Microsoft Project Server Health Check Assessment.

The Microsoft Project Server Health Check Assessment provides your organization with insights into the health of your Project Server environment. The assessment uses a variety of tools to collect data and statistics about the most important aspects of your Project Server environment. The goal of this health check is to proactively diagnose and analyse the data collected, make recommendations based on best practices and potentially avoid any problems from surfacing in the future.

Part I: Disovery

During the discovery process, a variety of tools are used to gather information, such as:
 Interviews with the team members to discuss initial requirements and design, to understand the intended use and current configuration of Project Server.

 Log review: collect Event Viewer logs, web.configurations, and IIS Logs. This time can also be used to discuss any current/recurring issues.

 Performance to get analysis on current usage of Project Server: Perfmon, MPSReports, SpSitemanager, SmokeTest.

 Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser: Patch, Hot-fix and Service Pack information .

 Database Performance using Query Analyser to review project thresholds: Performance Usage Analysis and Average Thresholds.

 Disaster Recovery review and recommendations: Supply best practices according to customer environment.

 Administration review: Cube Builds, Active Directory Synchronisation, Customisations, Permissions and security Templates.

Part II: Data Analysis and Reporting

After the discovery process has been completed, the information is analysed, and recommendations are made. Any critical problems found will be addressed and resolved if possible. If time and internal processes delay the resolution of the problems, assistance can be scheduled at a later date. After the completion of this health check, a report is provided with the findings and recommendations to ensure the health of your organization’s EPM environment.

Overall, the assessment will help maintain maximum efficiency, reduce support costs and provide practical recommendations.


Pro Tip: Perform a Health Check Assessment.

As experts in the Microsoft Project and Project Server technologies, we have seen many clients unable to gain the full value from their invesmtent in these technologies due to issues with the solution design, system specifications, and configurations necessary to support the business requirements. Please reach out to us to schedule a Health Check assessment if you believe your organization is not fully leverging its investment in Microsoft Project and Project Server. We can help!